Home / PR & Social / Filming & Photography Opportunities
Any party requesting for approval to film or photograph in the Club must give one week’s notice in writing, stating the purpose of filming or photography, intended date, duration, size of crew and venue.
Parties are strongly encouraged to conduct a site recce by appointment, before writing in.
Commercial projects refer to production houses commissioned by clients to film or shoot advertisements, commercials and trailers. Production houses will be charged according to the facility and duration of use.
Any party requesting for approval to film or photograph in the Club must give one week’s notice in writing, stating the purpose of filming or photography, intended date, duration, size of crew and venue.
Parties are strongly encouraged to conduct a site recce by appointment, before writing in.
Non-commercial parties refer TV studios or production houses commissioned by TV studios to film TV documentaries, dramas etc. Credit mention is required. Charges may apply, depending on the extent of set-up.
Other interested non-commercial parties such as indie filmmakers, students from tertiary institutions or members of the public who wish to take their photos at a nostalgic spot on the Padang may write in to ask for a waiver of charges.
Ms Kallista Tan

Tel: 6595 0556
